Well, hello there. Thank you for clicking on the links I've undoubtedly spammed into a number of social media pages or Hibs forums to try and get this out there. If you've been recommended this by a friend, then maybe consider getting better friends. I'm not sure if I'd ever take being recommended a blog about losing weight in the manner intended, in fact.
I'd consider myself a fairly stereotypical multiple-time failed dieter. Intermittent fasting, cutting out carbs, gym memberships, gluten free diets, workout at home DVDs, milkshake diets (doesn't work if you substitute the diet stuff for Frijj, enjoyable as it may be). Every time I'd start off well, shed a stone and then fail in terms of willpower to see it through further and put the weight back on (and a little more for good luck).
There are a few simple ground rules and considerations that you absolutely have to follow and think through if you're going to successfully lose weight. There are a whole bunch of people on YouTube, social media or in the weight loss industry that promise you'll hit all your goals, look great in six months and be successful by only making one single change to your life, whilst downloading one simple app and still eating all the foods that you love without a bit of exercise.
If only.
It may seem like common sense but once you accept the following statement you will be closer to being able to lose weight than ever before if you're not there already.
You are going to need to make changes to your relationship with food and exercise that will last a lifetime.
Daunting, isn't it? Losing weight - and keeping it off - is a life changing decision in more ways than one. It's not easy (ignore anyone who claims otherwise) and you'll make mistakes along the way. The good news is that if you are willing to accept the big scary statement then you'll be able to lose weight over time and keep it off.
This blog is going to share my experiences, revelations and mistakes made along the way of losing weight. At the start of 2022, I weighed 20st 7lbs. I now weigh 17st on the button. I still want to lose about a stone and a half but I know deep down that I'm not going back to my old lifestyle - and I feel great about that fact. I'll share recipes that work well and tips, advice and more that will hopefully help you - and I do mean you, personally, everybody else who reads this blog just gets a list of my favourite dad jokes - and hopefully we can manage to achieve this together.
See you again soon.
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